K2 Gandogoro La Trek: A Journey of a Life time

18 Days

The K2 Gandogoro La Trek is an extraordinary 18-day journey through the heart of the Karakoram Range, offering breathtaking landscapes, cultural immersion, and sustainable tourism practices.


  • Location: Karakoram Range, Pakistan
  • Duration: 18 days
  • Difficulty: Strenuous
  • Max Elevation: 5,585m (Gondogoro La Pass)
  • Trek Distance: Approximately 115 miles (185 km)

Encounters with Culture and Nature

The K2 Gandogoro La Trek combines the best of both worlds, allowing trekkers to immerse themselves in the unique culture of the Balti people while surrounded by breathtaking landscapes.

Gateway to Majestic Mountains via K2 Gandogoro La Trek

The hike to K2 base camp and the Gandogoro La Pass witness the majesty of four of the world’s 8,000m peaks: K2, Broad Peak, Gasherbrum I, and Gasherbrum II.

Journey to the Untraveled: Central Karakoram National Park

Exploring K2 GGLA Trek will provide you with the untouched beauty of Central Karakoram National Park, home to the magnificent Baltoro Glacier—the second-largest non-polar glacier.

Trekking Excellence in a World-Class Setting

Experience a trekking adventure among the world’s highest mountains, hiking to the route of K2 Base Camp and Gandogoro La.

Wilderness Comfort at K2 Base Camp

Journey to K2 Base Camp with luxury, enjoying quality meals, top-notch group equipment, and a dedicated team ensuring comfort amidst the breathtaking Karakoram.

Alpine Legacy and Karakorum Climbers

Get lost in the tales of alpine legends who conquered K2, discovering the rich history of mountaineering and tracing the footsteps of those who left their mark on these formidable peaks.

Exclusive Adventure Away from the Crowds

Experience a peaceful and wild adventure on the K2 Trek, away from the crowds, and forge lasting friendships amidst the breathtaking Karakoram landscape.

In short, the K2 Gandogoro La Trek is a journey that will leave you in awe of the region’s natural beauty, cultural richness, and sustainable tourism practices.


  • Trek to the base camp of the world’s second-highest mountain, K2
  • Cross the challenging Gondogoro La Pass
  • Spectacular views of four 8,000m peaks from a single location
  • Explore the picturesque Hushey Valley and Charakusa Glacier
  • Immerse in the local culture of the Balti people


  • Experience: Previous high-altitude trekking experience required
  • Physical Condition: Good physical shape and endurance
  • Permits: Required for the trek
  • Guide: Experienced guide and support staff
  • Equipment: Crampons, ice axe, harness, and helmet


  • Acclimatize properly to avoid altitude sickness
  • Be prepared for variable weather conditions
  • Respect local culture and traditions
  • Follow safety guidelines and instructions from the guide

Packing List

  • Trekking gear (crampons, ice axe, harness, helmet)
  • Clothing ( layers, trekking pants, jackets)
  • Footwear (trekking boots, gaiters)
  • Accessories (gloves, hats, sunglasses)
  • First aid kit
  • Sleeping bag and mat
  • Backpack and daypack
  • Personal hygiene items
  • Water bottle and water purification tablets
  • Sunscreen and lip balm
  • Map and compass
  • Headlamp and extra batteries
  • Camera and charger

Safety Precautions

  • Avalanche risk
  • Crevasses on the glacier
  • Steep ascents and descents
  • Altitude sickness
  • Inclement weather conditions


  • Approximately $2,500 – $3,500 per person

Best Time

  • June to September


  • Camping during the trek
  • Hotels in Islamabad and Skardu


  • Pakistani and foreign meals
  • Stream watrer, Iodine-treated drinking water or boiled water

Additional Information

  • Visa requirements for Pakistan
  • Vaccination and medication
  • Travel insurance
  • Responsible trekking practices


Duration: 20 days Altitude: 3000-5690M
Range: Karakorum Camp nights:  12-15
Hotels nights: 4-6  
Grade: Strenuous Trek Best Period: June to September


All clients will be picked up by World Adventure Tours representative on arrival at Islamabad International Airport and taken to the group hotel. Land Only package services begin with this transfer to the group hotel. The majority of international flights arrive in the early morning and you may want to rest before lunch.
Depending time availability, there may be an option to do some sightseeing in Islamabad, a city purpose-built in 1961 as the new capital of Pakistan. Alternatively, we could visit the Twin City of Rawalpindi a town from the days of the British Raj. The two cities are very different in character; the older settlement is rather sprawling with enormous and complicated bazaars where you can easily get fascinatingly lost. Islamabad, by contrast, is much more open, a modern city with many parks and wide streets arranged on a grid system. There is not always the opportunity to include a sightseeing tour and, if there is, it is optional and there will be a charge payable locally.
Accommodation: Hotel
Meals: Breakfast

Given good weather we will fly to Skardu (perhaps the most spectacular commercial flight in the world, with magnificent views of Nanga Parbat the 9th highest mountain in the world. If the weather doesn’t allow the flight we take the Karakorum Highway on the old silk route. This is just spectacular. It’s a long drive but one of the great journeys of the world between the deep gorges of the mighty Indus. Driving over Babsur Pass will minimize the distance and the night stay will be in Chilas. (10-12 hour drive). Upon arrival to Skardu hotel, we shall have a gear check up session after some rest and the evening can be spent visiting Bazars, historical forts, scenic lakes or visiting ancient rock inscriptions, one of which is of 8th century Manthal Buddha Rock that shows traces of Buddhist monks and pilgrims who had influence in the area before Islam.
Accommodation: Hotel
Meals: Breakfast, lunch & Dinner

We leave Skardu by jeep for Askoli, passing through the fertile Shigar Valley. The last 2 hours of the drive covers the ground which used to make up the first 2 days' walk of the trek and includes the passage of the infamous Braldu Gorge section. This high and steep-sided valley is prone to landslide and we may have to walk short sections of the road where it has been made unstable by rock-fall. Given reasonable road conditions, we will spend our first night under canvas in this famous Balti village high above the thundering Braldu River. Askole is a single street of wooden houses, backed by irrigated fields of corn and potatoes and groves of apricot trees.
Accommodation: Camping
Meals: Breakfast, lunch & Dinner

We set off early to avoid the heat of the day. The route is gentle and enjoyable. We cross the Biafo Glacier on the way and get our first sight of the Paiyu pinnacles. We will be trekking for around 5 hours to the Jula camp today. Our lunch point Korofong (3,075 m) lays across the glacier’s other foot. The trees here are habitat to a variety of beautiful birds.
From Korofong we gain altitude and follow Braldu course till we reach Panma River which is crossed taking a detour through a trail built on the face of the cliff. These pulley bridges known as Jhola were common in the Karakorum Mountains. Beyond this bridge is our camp site called Jhola.
Accommodation: Camping
Meals: Breakfast, lunch & Dinner
Ascent: 290
Descent: 190 Distance: 21KM
Time: 6-7 hours trekking

Trek to Paiju (3,380m) 4 to 5 hours walking. The path is quite loose in places and again it is likely we will have to take boots off where the river has flooded the path in a few places. Paiju is a green oasis under the shadows of Paiju Peak (6,611m). From this camp we have the first views of the immense Baltoro Glacier.
Accommodation: Camping
Meals: Breakfast, lunch & Dinner
Ascent: 570
Descent: 290
Distance: 22KM
Time: 7-8 hours trekking

Today is a rest day at paju to aid acclimatization and an important resting point for porters, they prepare food for the trek ahead. Normally there is much singing, drumming (or barrel bashing) and dancing amongst the porters with a real feel good atmosphere.
Accommodation: Camping
Meals: Breakfast, lunch & Dinner

Another early walk of approximately one hour brings us to the snout of the Baltoro. After viewing the outpouring of melt water from the ice we climb up on to the back of this great beast. At this point the ice of the glacier is completely covered by rubble and rocks and the going here can be quite tough.Finally reaching at Khoborsay camping place (3800m).we would be able to see the cathedral Towers, the Trango and the striking rock tower of Uli Biafo.A great day of treekingover difficult and mixed terrain.
Accommodation: Camping
Meals: Breakfast, lunch & Dinner
Ascent: 610
Descent: 220
Distance: 13KM
Time: 7-8 hours trekking

Today is a short day. we continue Baltoro glacier on the lateral moraines or sometime glacier itself, passing great Trango and the isolated pillar of the Nameless Tower to our next camp Rdukas (3900m).This is truly awesome place hundred meters above the glacier we should reach here in time for a late lunch and the rest of the afternoon is free to tend to camp chores or just to soak up our fabulous situation.
Accommodation: Camping
Meals: Breakfast, lunch & Dinner
Ascent: 250
Descent: 140
Distance: 7KM
Time: 3-4 hours trekking

This day we follow the moraine edge and climb up on to the glacier. Soon we come have the enchanting view of Mashabrum (7821m) on out right side. Ascending and decending on the mountains of rubbles over the ice we have the glimpse ahead to the peaks which surround Concordia. Goro is the camp name with (4290m) and camping one of the largest glacier outside the polar region with the attracting view of Gashabrum IV (7925m).
Accommodation: Camping
Meals: Breakfast, lunch & Dinner
Ascent: 330
Descent: 90
Distance: 12KM
Time: 6-7 hours trekking

Today, we move up to Concordia passing on Baltoro, views of Broad Peak (8051 m) appear while Marble and Crystal Peaks appear on the left. K2 remains concealed till the minute we reach Concordia; a breathtaking sight that becomes a beautiful memory forever. Concordia is wide area of glacier which is one of the greatest places on earth. We will be surrounded by 4 eight- thousanders, 10 out of 30 highest peaks of the world. Camp will be set at 4,500 m in Concordia on the moraine.
Accommodation: Camping
Meals: Breakfast, lunch & Dinner
Ascent: 250
Descent: 40
Distance: 12KM
Time: 5-6 hours trekking

Go to broad peak base camp (4800m), K-2 base camp (5100m) 0r Rest at Concordia.
If you chose to go, start early in the morning you can return to Concordia in the evening. On this day, we can start early through crevasses and small rivers created by melting ice. We follow on the glacier that is named after Godwin Austin who first declared K2’s height. After three hours we will be at Broad Peak base camp where we will have a great sight of the astonishing Karakoram 2nd (K2), Mitre Peak behind us and the Bride Peak. We walk on the moraine which is mostly boulders. However we do walk on ice occasionally. After another 3 hours trek, we shall complete one way journey of the K2 Base Camp reaching a moraine safe zone, a traditional base camp area for K2 climbers.
One can also visit Gilkey Memorial if time allows. The memorial has names of brave souls inscribed on plates and plagues. These tough ones died attempting K2. The decisions about trekking to K2 Base Camp, Broad Peak BC, Gilkey Memorial, choosing one or another or all options or choosing to rest at Concordia on this day depends on the participants. Return to Concordia on this day is compulsory.
Accommodation: Camping
Meals: Breakfast, lunch & Dinner
Time: 6-12 hours trekking

We set out journey on a less explored route today. The nature and difficulty of trekking depends on snow which is not common between the months of June to late August. Normally we would walk on non-slippery ice which is in fact easy to hike on. In case of large crevasses, we would take short detours only to make progress. However in case of snow conditions at Baltoro, participants and porters would walk together (all hooked to a rope) and use their crampons for safety. After walking for more than 5 hours, we should reach the junction point of Baltoro with West Vigne Glacier that is linked to Gondogoro La’s base. We set camp for tonight on the high moraine near the junction. Our campsite is known as “Ali Camp” as Ali (a porter belonging to nearby village) had first been recorded to cross Gondogoro La while returning as a porter from a climbing expedition to Gasherbrum. Reaching camp, we would have enough time to learn and practice some basic skills for moving on the Gondogoro La Trek’s fixed lines the following day.
Accommodation: Camping
Meals: Breakfast, lunch & Dinner
Ascent: 380
Descent: 10
Distance: 12KM
Time: 5-6 hours trekking

On this day of Gondogoro La Trek, participants are woken up sooner than first light. After a good breakfast, harnesses and crampons are put on and we hit the incredible West Vigne Glacier, all roped as one unit until we make to Gondogoro La’s base. Depending on weather and snow conditions on the lower slope of the high pass, we may possibly continue as one unit attached to the rope or we might be in a position to ascend the slope un-roped. Normally there would be at least one steep part to cross on the higher slopes. During these parts of the climb, our support crew will fix ropes. It normally takes around three hours to reach the top of Gondogoro La Pass.
One can have a splendid view of four of the 8,000 meter peaks, specifically Gasherbrum 1 and 2, Broad Peak and the mighty K2. The giant pass is one broad shoulder from where we get a perfect view of the astonishing Gondogoro valley on the opposite side.
While descending down the other sturdy side, one can enjoy views of Trinity peaks, not to mention the stunning Laila Peak (6,096 m). The fall is comparatively sudden and therefore requires use of fixed ropes for most of the descend. Crampons would be required for the most part of moving down the pass and also on the upper segment of Hushey valley which will normally be covered in snow. Participants will need to watch their every step while descending to avoid jolting stones into their team members. Once the gradient eases, we get to a trail running along the beautiful Gondogoro valley above Trinity Glacier that we meet soon.
Accommodation: Camping
Meals: Breakfast, lunch & Dinner
Ascent: 700
Descent: 950
Distance: 13KM
Time: 9-12 hours trekking

Compared to yesterday's exertions, today will be a relatively easy trek as we follow the Gondogoro Glacier downstream. Except in conditions where snow is lying on the surface of glacier (unusual from mid-June to August), our crampons, harnesses and other mountaineering paraphernalia can be packed away as we no longer need these things. We have completely new vistas as we head towards the Hushe Valley, initially trekking down the central moraine of the Gondogoro Glacier. About half way down the glacier on today's walk we pass Laila Peak. We continue our descent of the Gondogoro Valley starting by following the trail through this pleasant ablation valley. On the other side of this obstacle the ablation valley continues and the walking becomes easier. We pass through a widening of the valley known as Gondogoro Village (although there is no village - just a few temporary stone shelters for goat herders) and beyond here we have to cross a small stream before continuing along the crest of the lateral moraine. At this point we have returned to more benign altitudes where things grow and the trees actually become bigger than us as we continue the descent of the moraine to the valley bottom. We make our camp at Saitcho (3350m), a sandy area of sparse grasses beside the river at the junction of the Gondogoro and Charakusa valleys. This will be the first night in almost a week where we can breathe the oxygen-rich air below 4000 metres and sleep to the sounds of running water!
Accommodation: Camping
Meals: Breakfast, lunch & Dinner
Descent: 1200
Distance: 18KM
Time: 5-6 hours trekking

It is in the nature of journey such as this that there can be delays and it is important to build in some time to allow for this. If we have not experienced any delays or been required to use this contingency day at this point in our trek, this will be a well-earned rest day. Saitcho is a great place to relax in the sunshine, catch up on diaries or laundry, or for those with an insatiable trekking appetite, a walk up into the Charakusa Valley is well worth the effort. If this option is taken we will make a relatively early start and follow a huntsmen's trail up onto the lateral moraine of the Charakusa Glacier. This is snow leopard country and although you will be very lucky if you spot one of the animals, you are very likely to see its signs and the local guide will take delight in pointing these out. After crossing a side glacier over rubble and ice, we get back onto the lateral moraine until it is possible to step onto the main Charakusa Glacier. Just how far we can go today depends on what time we start, the nature of the glacier and the energy of the group but we should be able to go far enough for views of K6 and K7.
This option will take around 6 - 8 hours.

Now that we are off the glacier and down below 4000 metres, the daytime temperatures can climb into the high thirties so it is well worth getting an early start to avoid the main heat of the day. This is a relatively easy day of about 3 to 4 hours, following the river draining the Gondogoro and Charakusa glaciers down to its confluence with those draining the Masherbrum and Ailling glaciers. Here the valley swings to the south and we begin to see various signs of habitation with walls and temporary house. Eventually we reach the extensive fields of Hushe and climb up to a small plateau on which the main village is sited. Hushe is quite large with a warren of alleys and buildings. Most traditional houses are built from rounded river stones and are 2 storeys high, with space for the animal downstairs and people upstairs. Hushe also has some more modern houses, a shop, a school, a hotel and a trekkers' campsite. We check into the campsite and the rest of the day is free to explore this fascinating village.
Accommodation: Camping
Meals: Breakfast, lunch & Dinner
Descent: 350
Distance: 7KM
Time: 3-4 hours trekking

Just as when we began our trek, leaving the high valleys of the Karakoram necessitates an exciting road journey by jeep. The return is not as arduous as the approach and the scenery is superb as we make our way down the valley passing villages of intense agriculture on both sides. Eventually we reach a junction where the Hushe River meets the Shyock River which flows from Ladakh. We cross the Shyock on a suspension bridge to reach a paved road on the other side at the large town of Khaplu which is the Capital of Ghanche District. From Khaplu our journey becomes considerably smoother and much faster as we now drive on the tarmac road first following the Shyock to a confluence with the Indus, then along this major river back to Skardu. Arriving in the Balti capital, we check into our hotel and enjoy our first hot shower in over two weeks!
Accommodation: Hotel
Meals: Breakfast, lunch & Dinner

The drive from hotel to airport is 40 minutes and it’s a metal road. We board the plane for a thrilling flight towards Islamabad. We once again fly by the Nanga Parbat. Reaching Islamabad airport after a great adventure is very different experience and takes getting used to. Our vehicle will be at Islamabad airport to take us straight to the hotel. We will settle in and have lunch if there isn’t any unusual delay. After a good meal participants can take the day for rest or sightseeing around the city or shopping for popular options like artifacts or rugs. In the evening we will be together to enjoy special meal at local restaurant or at our hotel and share experiences of Gondogoro La Trek.
Accommodation: Hotel
Meals: Breakfast, lunch & Dinner

Skardu is a 'weather dependent' airport which means the planes will only fly here if the visibility allows line of sight to the runway by the pilot on the approach. Fortunately the weather is mostly clear in the Karakoram but local weather conditions can bring cloud and rain from time to time. If we cannot fly we will travel down to Islamabad by road along the spectacular Karakoram Highway. If we flew up to Skardu this will be an added bonus as it is a fantastic travel experience in its own right. The drive down the Indus River to Islamabad takes two days so this is an important contingency day to allow for this. If we have flown to Islamabad this will be a further day for sightseeing in the capital and your leader will advise the group on the options available for today.
Accommodation: Hotel
Meals: Breakfast

Our land package for K-2 Trek ends only with breakfast and transfer to airport.


What is Included

  • Government licensed professional guide/leader (pre-requisite for K2 Base Camp Trek)
  • Airport transfers on first and last day from/to Benazir International Airport, Islamabad
  • All domestic flights and transfers (according to itinerary)
  • All road transport in Pakistan (according to the itinerary above)
  • All accommodation in Pakistan (hotels and camps) according to the itinerary
  • All meals in Pakistan during the trek (breakfast, lunch, and dinner ) while only breakfast in Islamabad.
  • All trekking requirements on the ground (including cook, support staff, porters, gears (excluding personal), etc
  • Government trekking permit fees/paperwork for k2 and CKNP cleaning Fee

Not Included

  • Travel insurance
  • Visa to Pakistan (Letter of Invitation and other supporting documents will be offered by us for visa application)
  • International flights
  • Tips for guides, porters, staff, etc
  • Miscellaneous (drinks, telephone calls, laundry etc at hotels)
  • Souvenir

Frequently asked questions

Do I need visa for entering Pakistan and what If I am already in the country ?

Yes, all Nationalities need a valid visa to enter Pakistan. However, many nationalities can get visa on arrival in Pakistan.
A tourist visa (visit visa) is required to come to Pakistan for trekking.
People on work visas (already in Pakistan/abroad) require a No-Objection Certificate (NOC) which normally takes up to 6 weeks. To apply for a tourist visa online, we advise you to read the details given on the official visa portal at the link attached and apply for Mountaineering and Trekking visa.
Visa Link: (https://visa.nadra.gov.pk/)

How much money should I carry for miscellaneous Expenses and Tipping?

For expenses other than your holiday cost, you can carry approximately 230 EUR/250 USD/200 GBP /9,000 Thai Baht, 100AED (or equivalent in your own currency). This can be used for other expenses including tips for porters and supporting staff. You can purchase Pakistani Rupees (PKR) upon arrival at the airport at good rates. US Dollars, Euros and Pound Sterling can quickly be converted into the local currency at the airport.
The porters are paid in Pakistani Rupees, not to mention everything else you may want to purchase in Pakistan. US Dollars will have an advantage of being easily exchanged at even smaller towns but we recommend one-time exchange. Credit cards can come handy for shopping in Islamabad for souvenirs/gift items including rugs. Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) will be available in Islamabad and Skardu but using your debit/credit cards, you will only be able to withdraw Pakistani Rupees from ATMs.

What about Food and Meal plan?

During K2 Gondogoro La Trek, participants will be served all three meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner). The food will include combination of Pakistani and foreign meals made of ingredients bought in Pakistan. Breakfasts will include coffee, tea, cereals, eggs, porridge/muesli, chappatti/bread. During trekking, lunches will be eaten during lunch breaks with options from tinned/canned meals (fish, meat), crackers, pickles, cheese, chapatti etc. Depending on the weather, the lunches start with or sometimes end with soup, noodles, coffee or tea and biscuits etc. Our three course meal (dinner) is always eaten in mess tent which is freshly prepared by our cooks travelling with us. The dinner will start with soup and end with sweets. During the initial days of trekking, fresh vegetables are also cooked until they remain fresh. Vegetarians must inform our office in advance if they want their entire meals to be vegetarian.

What is the food plan for vegetarians?

During the initial days of trekking, fresh vegetables are also cooked until they remain fresh. Vegetarians must inform our office in advance if they want their entire meals to be vegetarian.

What about drinking water?

Iodine treated drinking water will be made available in the mornings, during breaks and while camping. Everyone will be drinking spring water when available but at other times, we do not have options other than consuming glacial melt water that might consist of silt. Our kitchen uses a large container for water supply that helps in settling down the silt at the bottom. If you do not like the odor of iodine, you might want to bring your own supply of bi-carbonate of soda. Conventional methods work well for everyone but we keep on experimenting new methods.

How to reach Skardu if participating only for the Trek?

In order to reach Skardu (northern areas), there are several departures available from Islamabad, one or two flights are available from other cities on specific days, like Karachi and Lahore with PIA (Pakistan International Airlines) and Air Blue. The flight is subject to weather as the valley is surround by mountains and requires high visibility for any flight to operate. Due to the weather factor, no flights are guaranteed to operate. Flights to Skardu do operate often but there are always chances for cancellations and in that case we keep road transport as backup and on standby for our clients who book with us from Islamabad to Islamabad. However, if you are joining us from skardu, you can also book a private car or a public buses from Pirwadai Bus station Rawalpindi/Islamabad.
We cannot take the risk of waiting for another day in Islamabad for another flight for good reasons including complex airline booking system, tourist traffic flow in flights etc.

What if we like to travel on Karakorum highway?

Journey on Karakoram Highway is one of the best experiences in Pakistan for any foreign or domestic tourist, providing views of amazing natural environment and indigenous people throughout the road trip and never has any of our guest openly regretted traveling by KKH. We strongly advise that you contact and gain more information from your travel insurance company regarding road traveling coverage. If your company does not offer full coverage for your trekking holiday, you might look for other companies.
Please take note that incase one or both internal flights cancel, we will drive on Karakoram Highway.

How to manage Tipping?

It is common that our participants at least tip the porters for their hard work carrying participant luggage and supplies. If you feel satisfied with the services of the guide, assistant(s), kitchen crew, you can contribute to the total tip. 95-120 Euros (or equivalent in your currency) would cover this element of the total expenses. The tour leader/guide helps all participants in deciding a tip for all crew members of the Trek. These tips are then handed over as a group in a “thank you” ceremony organized at the conclusion of the trek.

How about the Baggage Allowance?

Porters discussed above will be carrying your baggage/luggage apart from supplies, equipment etc. The maximum weight limit for your packed trekking bag is 13 kilograms. The load of your sleeping mattress and sleeping bag is included in the maximum limit. Please only bring required items on the trek. It will be possible for you to leave parts of your luggage at the hotel in Skardu. If you bring more than 13kg, you will be charged 2$ per kilograms per day.

Do I need Travel Insurance?

For joining, K2 Base Camp and Gandogoro La Trek you need to have a valid travel insurance policy to cover the cost of medical treatment and to protect the value of your holiday in the event of cancellation and evacuation. When taking out insurance please ensure the policy you choose covers you for the activities and altitude included in your itinerary.
For appropriate insurance, we recommend World Nomads (https://www.worldnomads.com/row/travel-insurance).

What equipment to pack for K2 Gandogoro la trek?

We are providing you with two lists for K-2 Trek. List 1 contain items and equipments that you must bring. The 2nd list contains optional items you might need on your trekking holiday. Based on your own judgment you can select things that you might need from the 2nd list.

List 1 – Must Bring Items:
• First Aid Pack (Diamox (Altitude), Dioralite (re-hydration salts), antiseptic cream, blister treatment, throat lozenges, plasters, Imodium (diarrhea treatment), painkillers)
• Hiking Backpack (Day Pack) 32-42 Litres
• Fleece jacket with hood or a warm jumper
• Gloves (Thermal)
• Headtorch with spare batteries
• Hiking boots
• Sleeping bag (-16°C comfort rated)
• Sandals (sports) or old shoes (to cross rivers)
• Sun protection cream (including total block for nose, lips etc.)
• Sunglasses and Sunhat
• Thermarest or any similar mat/pad for sleeping
• Warm hat and Warm jacket (down)
• Water bottles 1litre (x2)
• Waterproof jacket
• Waterproof over-trousers
• Antibacterial hand wash
• Shirts/T-shirts
• Small towel
• Socks
• Spare laces
• Underwear (normal and thermal)
• Trekking poles (highly recommended)
• Wash-bag and toiletries
• Walking socks (2/3 pairs)
• Baselayer – leggings (Thermal)
• Trekking Trousers
• Baselayer thermal shirts (2 long sleeves, 2 short sleeves)
• Harness,Helmet, ice axe and crampons (for Gondogoro La only)

List 2 – Optional:
• Buff or scarf
• Small padlock (for locking your bag)
• Camera
• Insect repellant
• Pen-knife (important: pack sharp tools in hold luggage)
• Repair kit (e.g. thread, needle, duct tape)
• Liner (for sleeping bag)
• Travel clothes
• Bottle for Pee

How about Batteries and Accessories?

You may require portable chargers, extra batteries and storage cards etc during your holiday in the mountains. We ask you making a relevant list of sockets, adapters and other electrical items you might need to keep your devices last as long as possible.

How to train for the Trek?

It makes a lot of sense to spend some time before coming on a trekking holiday getting some additional exercise. The fitter you are, after all, the more enjoyable you will find the experience. For this trip you need to be aerobically fit and also comfortable with walking on a variety of terrain including loose scree and boulders for between 6 and 8 hours on most days. We would suggest that you adopt a weekly exercise regime leading up to your trip. Regular hiking in hill country is the best training but running, tennis and swimming are also good for developing cardio vascular fitness and stamina. Before departure, we suggest that you try to fit in a number of long walks in hilly country.

How's the weather condition?

During your holiday, you can experience maximum temperatures of up to 45 °C in Islamabad, 30 °C in Skardu and 26 °C in Askoli. The days will be warm (unless clouds take over) until we arrive at camp in Concordia where temperatures during the day will decrease to less than 10 °C.
We might walk on snow on Baltoro glacier’s higher part in June and this snow normally melts by mid July. In August and September, you might experience snowfall depending on how the weather turns out. Temperatures in the Karakorum Range are unpredictable. Temperature might decrease down to -10 °C during any time of all trekking periods while camping anywhere between Paiju and Concordia. In September, it can go even lower than -10 °C. Monsoon does not fully affect the Karakorum Range. However due to past experience with unpredictable weather, we must be prepared for unfavorable weather conditions.

What is Refund policy?

Once paid, the deposit is partly-refundable as part of the paid amount will be spent on making in-country arrangements. In case of visa cancellation or visa rejection, a refund/partial-refund will be considered.
In such cases, a valid proof/reasons of visa rejection/cancellation must be submitted to our office.

If you cancel the trip, the following applies to the balance amount:
• Up to 60 days – 80% refundable
• Up to 30 days – 70% refundable
• Up to 20 days – 50% refundable
• After travel date – non-refundable
If you have any further questions after reading this refund policy, please let us know. We would be more than happy and flexible to answer them.

You can send your enquiry via the form below.

K2 Gandogoro La Trek: A Journey of a Life time
  • 2-12
  • 5,690 M
  • Hotel/Camping
  • Islamabad/Skardu
  • July/August
  • Adventure
  • All Meals during the Trek
  • 12
  • 75